Lucy Brown, Reassured
Lucy Brown
Senior Corporate Relationship Manager

Lucy Brown is Senior Corporate Relationships Manager at Reassured. She joined the company in 2021, bringing with her a wealth of experience in the financial services industry. Her previous role was Head of Protection at London & Country Mortgages, a leading mortgage broker, where she led the protection advisory arm of the business for 8 years. Since starting at Reassured, Lucy has been nominated for several industry awards, including Protection Advisor’s ‘Women in Financial Advice Awards’ 2022 and COVER’s ‘Women in Protection & Health Awards’ 2023. Lucy was awarded Best Critical Illness Leadership at the CI Expert 10 year Awards and recently won the Intermediary Unsung Hero Award at the ‘Women in Protection & Health Awards 2024. .

Lucy says: “I’ve lived and breathed financial protection for my whole career. I’m focused on empowering our customers to explore insurance and the benefits it can offer - using my expertise to provide helpful tools and guides and develop products and improve processes, so they can make sure their family is financially secure.”