Christian van Stolk is Executive Vice President at RAND Europe. He has worked extensively on health and wellbeing in the workplace. His work in the past has focused on improving the health and wellbeing of staff in the National Health Service in the UK, maintaining and gaining employment for those with common mental health conditions, building an evidence base for health interventions in workplace settings, and looking at the relationship between productivity and health and wellbeing outcomes.
Christian has advised large private sector employers, the UK government, European institutions, OECD and World Bank over the years. He currently manages RAND's work on the Britain's Healthiest Workplace competition with Vitality Health and Asia’s Healthiest Workplace competitions with AIA.
He sits on several expert panels for the UK government including those on occupational health, mental health and employee health and wellbeing in the NHS. He holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and Political Science and fellowships at the Royal Society of Medicine and Royal Society of the Arts.